Since 2023: | Scientific Officer/Advisor, High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) DER - Department of Research Evaluation |
2018-2020: | Elected member, SPTM Technical Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society SPTM - Signal Processing Theory and Methods TC |
Since 2014: | Affiliated Member, SPTM Technical Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society SPTM - Signal Processing Theory and Methods TC |
2013-2018: | Member, Steering Committee of the French research group GdR-ISIS (now GdR-IASIS) Deputy scientific director, responsible for the Topic A (2017-2018) Responsible for the Ph.D. student network (2013-2017) |
2012-2016: | Member, French National Council of Universities (CNU) Section 61 - Computer sciences, Automatic Control and Signal Processing |
2019-2023: | Coordinator, Theme "Learning with few or complex data", ANITI (with M. Fauvel) |
2017-2024: | Deputy head, Dept. of Signals & Images, IRIT |
2020-2023 | Member, Scientific strategy working group, Fed. Univ. Toulouse Midi-Pyréenées "Data science and digital society" |
2018-2019: | Member, Cercle Académique, Fed. Univ. Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées |
2016-2019: | Member, Strategic Intelligence Working Group, IRIT |
2015-2024: | Member, EDSYS Doctoral School Council, Univ. Toulouse |
2014-2016: | Elected member, Research Council, INP Toulouse |
2011-2017: | Elected member, Electronics Dept. Council, INP-ENSEEIHT |
2022-2024: | Head of the Major Program "Artificial Intelligence for Information Processing" |
2013-2019: | Responsible of the Teaching Unit "Signal Processing 2" (2nd year) |
2011-2019: | Head of the "Signal and Image Processing" specialization (3rd year) |
2011-2018: | Responsible of the Teaching Unit "Signal Processing 1" (1st year) |
2010-2011: | Responsible of the "Signal and Image Processing" major program (2nd year) |
2010-2011: | Coordinator for the teaching of DSP (2nd and 3rd years) |
2022/06 | Co-organizer, ANITI Afterwork, Toulouse, France "Learning from little or complex data" (with M. Fauvel) |
2020/01 | Co-organizer, Data Sciences for Geosciences 2020, Toulouse, France Doctoral school, Toulouse, France (with M. Fauvel) |
2019/09 | Co-organizer, mini-workshop on "Optimization and Statistics", Toulouse, France Joint event between Univ. Toulouse Capitole (UT1), INP-ENSEEIHT and ANITI (with J. Bolte) |
2019/07 | Co-organizer, Congrès SFPT-GH 2019, Toulouse, France Congrès du Groupe Hyperspectral de la SFPT |
2019/07 | Co-organizer, CAp 2019, as part of PFIA, Toulouse, France French conference on Machine Learning |
2019/07 | Co-organizer, SPARS workshop, Toulouse, France Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations workshop (with C. Févotte) |
2019/03 | Co-organizer, one-day meeting for Ph.D. students at GdR ISIS, Paris "Carrières en Signal, Image & Vision" (with A. Giremus and B. Nicolas) |
2018/09 | Advisory committee, "Workshop on Optimization and Learning", Toulouse Event as part of the CIMI Thematic Semester on Optimization |
2018/07 | Co-organizer, ANR BNPSI Workshop on Bayesian Nonparametrics, Bordeaux (with A. Giremus, P. Chainais and F. Caron) |
2017/03 | Co-organizer, one-day meeting at GdR ISIS, Paris "Inversion and multi-* problems" (with J.-F Giovannelli and E. Thiébaut) |
2016/04 | Co-organizer, one-day joint meeting GdR ISIS and CCT CNES TSI, Toulouse "Imagerie hyperspectrale : quelles données ? quels traitements ? quelles applications ?" |
2015/11 | Co-organizer, one-day meeting for Ph.D. students at GdR ISIS, Paris "Carrières en Signal, Image & Vision" (with C. Févotte) |
2014/11 | Co-organizer, one-day meeting at GdR ISIS, Paris "Inverse problems: myopic and blind, semi- and unsupervised approaches" (with J.-F Giovannelli and E. Thiébaut) |
2013/10 | Co-organizer, one-day meeting for Ph.D. students at GdR ISIS, Paris "Carrières en Signal, Image & Vision" (with C. Févotte) |
2013/07 | Local committee, CIMI Thematic Trimester on Image Processing, Toulouse Co-organizer, Workshop "Optimization & Statistics in Image Processing" (with A. Basarab) Webmaster of the website dedicated to the trimester (with H. Wendt) |
2011/02 | Co-organizer, one-day meeting at GdR ISIS, Paris "Non-negativity constraints in signal and image processing" (with C. Févotte) |
2006/05 | Volunteer, organizing committee, IEEE ICASSP 2006, Toulouse |
2015/06: | "Hyperspectral pansharpening and fusion", IEEE WHISPERS 2015, Tokyo (with J. M. Bioucas Dias) |
2013/09: | "Recent advances in spectral unmixing for hyperspectral imagery, EUSIPCO 2013, Marrakech (with J.-Y. Tourneret & C. Richard) |
2010/07: | "Bayesian algorithms for multi-channel image analysis", MaxEnt 2010, Chamonix (with J.-Y. Tourneret) |
2015/09: | "Image enhancement", EUSIPCO 2015, Nice |
2015/06: | "Hyperspectral pansharpening and fusion", IEEE WHISPERS 2015, Tokyo |
2013/07: | "Bayesian methods", Workshop "Optimization & Statistics in Image Processing", Toulouse |
2010/07: | "Bayesian algorithms for multi-channel image analysis", MaxEnt 2010, Chamonix |
2009/08: | "Recent Advances in Spectral Mixture Analysis of Hyperspectral Data", IEEE WHISPERS 2009, Grenoble |
2022-...: | Senior Area Editor, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing |
2020-2022: | Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing |
2018/03: | Guest Editor, IEEE. J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sensing |
2018-2020: | Associate Editor, Digital Signal Processing |
2016-2020: | Associate Editor, EURASIP Signal Processing |
2013-2014: | Associate Editor, The Scientific World Journal, Probability and Statistics Area |
2025/05: | TPC member, SSVM 2025, Totnes, UK |
2024/09: | TPC member, CoSeRa 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
2021/05: | TPC member, SSVM 2021, Cabourg, France |
2020/12: | TPC member, IEEE IPAS 2020, Genova, Italy |
2019/07: | TPC member, IEEE ECMSM 2019, Toulouse, France |
2018/12: | Technical Program Chair, IEEE IPAS 2018, Nice, France |
2018/02: | TPC member, ACIVS 2018, Poitiers, France |
2017/09: | Area Chair, EUSIPCO 2017, Kos Island, Greece |
2017/02: | TPC member, LVA/ICA 2017, Grenoble, France |
2015/09: | Area chair, EUSIPCO 2015, Nice, France |
2014/09: | TPC member, EUSIPCO 2014, Lisbon, Portugal |
2013/09: | TPC member, EUSIPCO 2013, Marrakech, Morocco |
2012/08: | TPC member, EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, Romania |
Since 2023: | Member, Working group for the Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) "PERSEVER - System performance and multi- and hyperspectral evaluations" (Ministry of Armed Forces) |
2020/03: | Member, Working group for the CNRS INSU prospective "Challenge 13 - From data production to scientific exploitation" |
2022/10: | HCERES Visiting Committee member (IRIMAS/Univ. Haute-Alsace) |
2018/12: | HCERES Visiting Committee member (LTCI/Telecom Paris) |
2018-2020: | GEOMIX Steering Committee member, BELSPO, Belgium |
2024/06: | Toulouse INP (member of the internal pool) |
2024/04: | INRAe (member of the external pool) |
2023/11: | IMT Atlantique (member of the external pool) |
2023/04: | INRAe (member of the external pool) |
2022/04: | ENS Lyon (member of the external pool) |
2021/04: | INP-ENSAT Toulouse (president) |
2020/04: | INP-ENSEEIHT Toulouse (president) |
2019/11: | University of Zurich, Switzerland (expert) |
2017/06: | Ecole Centrale Nantes (expert) |
2016/04: | Université Claude Bernard, Lyon (member of the external pool) |
2014/05: | INP-ENSEEIHT Toulouse (member of the internal pool) |
2013/05: | INP-ENSEEIHT Toulouse (member of the internal pool) |
2012/05: | Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (member of the external pool) |
2023: | Univ. Gustave Eiffel (expert) |
2022: | Imperial College London (expert) |
2021: | Toulouse INP (member of the internal pool) |
2020: | Toulouse INP (member of the internal pool) |
2014: | Toulouse INP (member of the internal pool) |
2024/03: | Univ. Grenoble Alpes (reviewer) |
2021/11: | Toulouse INP (external member) |
2019/12: | Univ. Pau Pays de l'Adour (reviewer) |
2024/03: | Univ. Grenoble Alpes (reviewer) |
2023/03: | NIT Meghalaya, India (reviewer) |
2023/02: | Univ. of Orléans (reviewer) |
2022/09: | Univ. of Lille (reviewer) |
2022/07: | Univ. of Poitiers (reviewer) |
2022/05: | Univ. of Tours (reviewer) |
2022/04: | Univ. of Nantes (reviewer) |
2021/07: | Univ. of Grenoble (reviewer) |
2021/02: | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (reviewer) |
2020/12: | IIT Roorkee, India (reviewer) |
2020/12: | Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium (external opponent) |
2020/12: | Univ. of Grenoble (reviewer) |
2020/12: | Univ. of Lyon (president) |
2020/12: | Univ. of Paris-Saclay (reviewer) |
2019/09: | Univ. of Bordeaux (reviewer) |
2019/10: | Univ. of Paris-Saclay(reviewer) |
2019/04: | ISAE Toulouse (president) |
2019: | Jury member for the AFIA AI Best Thesis Award |
2018/09: | Univ. Paris-Saclay (reviewer) |
2017/10: | Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal (reviewer) |
2016/12: | CentraleSupelec, Paris (external member) |
2016/09: | Univ. of Lille (external member) |
2016/02: | Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium (external opponent) |
2014/09: | Univ. of Bordeaux (reviewer) |
2013/11: | Univ. of Nancy (external member) |
2013/03: | Grenoble INP (reviewer) |
Named in the Stanford Univ. list of World's top 2% scientists
2024/10: | Top 10% Paper Award, IEEE MMSP 2024. |
2018/09: | Finalist of the Best Student Paper Award (for M. Vono), IEEE MLSP 2018. |
2017-2012: | Junior Member, Institut Universitaire de France. |
2017/03: | Finalist of the Student Paper Contest (for C. Elvira), IEEE ICASSP 2017. |
2015/12: | Finalist of the Student Paper Award (for Q. Wei), IEEE CAMSAP 2015. |
2014/10: | Top 10% Paper Award, IEEE ICIP 2014. |
2013: | IEEE Senior Member. |
2013: | Best Paper Award, IEEE GRSS WHISPERS 2013. |
2011: | Best Reviewer Award, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Letters. |
Since 2011: | Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche (PEDR, ex-PES). |
2009: | Finalist of the ASTI Ph.D. Award 2009, sponsored by INRIA. |
2007-2008: | French Ministry of Defence post-doctoral fellowship. |
2007: | Léopold Escande Ph.D. Award. |
2007/08: | Workshop Travel Grant, IEEE SSP 2007. |
2007/04: | Finalist of the Student Paper Contest, IEEE ICASSP 2007. |
2005/07: | Ph.D. Student Travel Grant, GdR ISIS. |
2004-2007: | French Ministry of Research doctoral scholarship. |
2015/02: | Invited lecturer, Winter School "Search for Latent Variables: ICA, Tensors, and NMF", Villard-de-Lans, France, "Bayesian fusion of multi-band images". |
2012/06: | Invited lecturer, Thematic School on Image Reconstruction, Fréjus, France, "Algorithme MCMC pour le démélange linéaire d'images hyperspectrales". |
2009/06: | Invited co-lecturer, CNRS Summer school on image processing, Figeac, France, "MCMC methods for image processing applications" (with J.-Y. Tourneret). |
2022: | Interview, le Monde, about our activities on AI for fusing the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) data "L'intelligence artificielle, nouveau moteur de la recherche scientifique" |
2022: | Communication, IRIT, about our ECML-PKDD paper "Un papier sur le transport optimal sélectionné à la conférence ECML-PKDD" |
2022: | Interview, CNRS INS2I, about the research activities on fusion of JWST data "Comment fusionner les images des télescopes spatiaux" \ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2021: | Interview, Magazine Exploreur, about the research activities conducting within ANITI, "L'IA, une simple affaire de données ?" (by V. Ravinet) \ ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2020: | Scientific advisory board & co-author, "Le Petit Illustré Intelligence Artificielle" "Intelligence Artificielle - Regards croisés de," co-edited by La Dépêche du Midi and CNRS |
2017: | Interview, CNRS INS2I, about the research activities conducting within IUF, "Du microscope au satellite, explorer un monde aux mille « couleurs »" \ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2015: | Invited speaker, "K'es Kafé?", IRIT, France, "Imagerie hyperspectrale: quand les pixels ont beaucoup de couleurs..." |
2012: | Invited speaker, "Médiation Scientifique", INP Toulouse, France, "Les mathématiques au service de la santé" |
2011: | Interviews, about the paper published in PLoS Genetics, "Pourquoi certaines personnes ne tombent pas malades de la grippe...", Press release. "Un chercheur toulousain perce le mystère de la grippe", La Dépêche du Midi. "Nous ne sommes pas tous égaux devant la grippe", Le Figaro. "Grippe : Pourquoi certains ne l'attrapent pas ?", Santé Magazine. "Pourquoi certaines personnes ne tombent pas malades de la grippe ?", Mag. Meilleure Santé. (See press review here) |
2011: | Interview, "Science & Vie", Special issue on Bayesian statistics, "Une formule au coeur des enjeux scientifiques du siècle" (by F. Lassagne) |
2006/11 | Co-organizer, "Rencontres CNRS Jeunes", Toulouse, France, "La recherche fondamentale : luxe ou nécessité ?" |
Since 2021 | Member, James Webb Toulouse (JWST @ Toulouse), as part of the ERS PDRs4ALL. |
Since 2020 | Member, European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS). |
Since 2019: | AI Research Chair, Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI). |
Since 2019 | Member, Toulouse Interdisciplinary Deep Learning (TIdDLe) group. |
Since 2019: | Member, AOC project-team, Lab of Excellence CIMI. |
2017-2022 | Junior Member, Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). |
Since 2008: | Member, SC Group of IRIT laboratory. Faculty member, TéSA cooperative laboratory. Member, "Signal and image processing" CNES Expertise Community. |
Since 2005: | Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society. Member, IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society. |
Since 2004: | Member, French research group GdR-ISIS. |