Segmentation of real data obtained by the NASA Compton Gamma Ray Observatory's BATSE. Detection of the changes in the brightness of the gamma-ray burst (GRB) sources.
Research group
List of (current and past) M.Sc./Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows here.
Herwig WENDT, University of Toulouse, IRIT/INP-ENSEEIHT, France.
Ami WIESEL, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Naoto YOKOYA, University of Tokyo, RIKEN AIP, Japan.
Research projects
RELEO - AI Research Chair on Representation Learning for Earth Observation Funded by ANITI (2024-2028).
Partners: CESBIO, ISAE-SUPAERO, CNES, Cerfacs, CS Group, Magellium, Thales Services Numériques, Thales Alenia Space.
Mont'Prospect 2.0 - Methodological renewal of the archaeological prospection of highlands Funded by CNRS through the MITI (2023-2024).
FUSIONJWST - Fusion of large scale astronomical data Funded by CNRS through the 80|Prime Program (2023-2026).
Partners: IRAP (Univ. Toulouse), ISAE (Univ. Toulouse).
CUBE - Structural brain connectomes assessment using portable low-field MRI Funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) (2023-2026).
Partners: Toulouse University Hospital, Tonic (INSERM/Univ. Toulouse), Thales Services Numériques, CNES.
IMAGIN - Active molecular imaging and unmixing Funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) (2021-2024).
Partners: LASIRE (CNRS/Univ. Lille), LARIS (Univ. Angers).
AI4IMSKA - Hybrid AI for interference mitigation in SKA data Funded by CNRS through the 80|Prime Program (2021-2024).
Partners: LPC2E (Univ. Orléans), LESIA (CNRS/Univ. Paris).
ARSIS - Acquisition et reconstruction de spectres-images en mode random scanning Funded by CNRS through the Imag'in program (2017).
Partner: STEM group at LPS (CNRS/Univ. of Paris-Sud 11).
Acquisition de spectres-images en mode random scanning Funded by CNRS through the METSA network (2017).
MULTIFRACS - Multifractal theory and methods for large size multivariate systems - Applications to scale free analysis of brain dynamics analysis Funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) (2017-2020).
Partners: Physics Lab. (CNRS/ENS Lyon), LAMA (CNRS/UPEC) and Neurospin (CEA Saclay).
FACTORY - New paradigms for latent factor estimation Funded by ERC Consolidator Grant (P.I.: Cédric Févotte) (2016-2021).
DEPICT - From pixelwise unmixing to thematic classification Funded by CNES and Occitanie Region (2016-2019).
Partners: CNES and Dynafor (INRA/INP Toulouse).
MapInvPlnt - Monitoring the Water Hyacinth Using Hyperspectral Imagery Funded by EU FP7 through the ERANETMED JC-WATER ANR program (2016-2018).
Partners: MuCSAT (Alexandria, Egypt), NARSS (Cairo, Egypt), IT (Lisboa, Portugal).
MUESLI - MUltiscale mapping of Ecosystem Services by very high spatial resolution hyperspectraL and LiDAR remote sensing Imagery Funded by University of Toulouse through the Thematic Strategic Actions (2015-2017).
BNPSI - Bayesian nonparametric methods for signal and image processing Funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) (2013-2017).
Partners: ALEA group (INRIA), IMS (CNRS/Bordeaux INP),
HYPANEMA - HYPerspectral data ANalysis with NonlinEar unMixing Algorithm Funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) (2012-2015).
Partners: Lagrange Lab. (CNRS/UNSA), GIPSA-lab (CNRS/Grenoble INP),
ICD (CNRS/UTT Troyes).
ESTOMAT - Order estimation in Matrix factorization models Funded by CNRS through the PEPS-Rupture program (2011-2012).
Partner: Cédric Févotte at LTCI (CNRS/Telecom ParisTech).
MADONNA - Acquisition of hyperspectral and lidar data with airborne sensors Funded by INP Toulouse (2010-2011).
Partners: DYNAFOR (INRA/INP Toulouse), Purpan Agricult. Eng. School (Toulouse).
MCMC methods for hyperspectral image analysis Funded by GdR-ISIS through the "Young Researcher" program (2007-2008).
Partners: ADTSI Team, IRCCyN (CNRS/ECN, France).
Industrial partnerships
Pansharpening and image fusion (2017-2018) Partner: CNES.